If you need a place to easily view and manage your Salesforce records, look no further than the Maven Tools Record Data module. Type in your record ID, open your record in Salesforce or click on it in Query Editor, and you can get all of its information in one place. In this section, we're going to show you all the perks that Record Data offers.
There are three ways to open a record in Record Data. The first one is pretty obvious - open Record Data, type in the ID of your record and click 'Load'. The result will contain a datatable with all the accessible fields for your record. Results will be seperated into four columns : Field API Name, Label, Type and Value. You can sort your results by any of those columns. You can also click on any field's name to show its metadata information in Object Details.
You can also open a record in Record Data from Query Editor. Let's say that you executed a query, and you found a record in the result that you're especially interested in and you want to see more details about it. Well, just click on its ID and the record will open in Record Data!
Pretty convenient, right? There is one more way to open a record in Record Data, and that's directly from Salesforce. Open any record page in your connected Salesforce instance, and that record will immediately be opened in the Record Data module.
Keep in mind that this only applies to your inspected tab (the tab from which you opened Maven Tools). Opening a record page in any other tab will not result in that record being opened in Record Data.
After you open a record in Record Data, you can then edit the value of all of its editable fields. When you make changes, options to save or cancel them will show up at the bottom. If you try to close a tab with pending changes, you will get a popup in which you'll need to select whether you want to save them, discard them or continue editing.
You can delete the record by clicking the trash icon under the 'Load' button, or you can choose to export it in .csv format by clicking the export icon.
Record Data offers you a few more options to manage your records. Next to the export and delete icon, there is a search bar which allows you to search for a specific text in your record's details. The search result will only have the records which contain the selected text (in any of the four columns).
After you've loaded your record, a list of additional options (external links) pops up: Those options are: